I’m selling my house and I am being told I should have a survey of my property available. Why? What do I do?

The purpose of a survey is to provide the prospective owners with information about the property including the size and shape and any improvements made within the limits– paying particular attention to improvements built near the boundary such as fences, sheds, and easements that may affect the use of the land.

A new survey is the only way to guarantee the status and existing conditions of a property and, therefore, is the only way purchasers can know what they’re buying. Old surveys are sometimes used but beware as they may not include building additions, new road widenings, severances, and any other changes that may have occurred on the property.

If you’re planning on selling your property in the next six months or so, get a head start and have your property surveyed now! Depending on the size and age of the property, new surveys can take a few weeks so it’s best to have it done early so that closing dates aren’t missed.

As a licensed Ontario Land Surveyor I will be happy to discuss your particular situation with you and help you determine if a survey of your property is recommended for your needs.


Do I need a survey of my property?


What is a grading plan and why do I need one for my new addition?