Is a tree on your property line causing problems?
Are you planning to build a shed near or on the property boundary but there is a tree on the boundary in the way? Often, the best course of action is to approach your neighbour and reach an amicable resolution that will benefit both parties with the least cost possible. This also applies even for tree upkeep like trimming the branches or roots that cross the property boundary.
Generally, in Ontario, a tree trunk that crosses the property boundary is considered common property between the owners of adjoining properties but any branches that cross the limit belong to each respective owner. So, mutual consent between owners is required to remove a tree online but you can do what you want to the overhanging leaves and branches. If tree removal is necessary, always consult your municipality to confirm applicable by-laws.
If the location of the tree is in doubt, hire a licensed surveyor to stake the limit and confirm the tree location.