A new build project- from start to finish

Land surveyors play an important role in any new build project whether it’s a new house, addition, or garage.

The project’s beginnings always start with us before any other service (engineering, design, construction etc.) comes in. We help introduce precision in successful build projects when we perform services that are essential for the Design and Permit Application stage, Construction Layout stage and Final Inspection stage.

How are land surveyors involved in the Design and Permit Application stage?

1.       Surveyors prepare a Plan of Survey and topographical plan showing property boundaries and existing building foundation with fences and other key topographical features, including grid elevations and utilities.

2.       Surveyors (and Architects) prepare a Site Plan showing the proposed location of the new build, together with relevant setbacks according to the Town/City’s Zoning by-laws and regulations.

3.       Surveyors (and Civil Engineers) prepare a Grading plan showing the existing topography in relation to the proposed location of the new build (and septic, if applicable), together with proposed drainage and grading features.

4.       These plans (along with other design plans prepared by others like house plans, septic design, etc) are submitted to the municipality for approval.

5.       Edits and resubmissions are prepared as necessary on all drawings until the design is approved. (This can take several iterations depending on the complexity of the site and design)

How are land surveyors involved in the Construction Layout stage?

1.       Surveyors use the foundation drawings prepared by the architect along with the site plans to create calculated points of the location of the proposed house. Then surveyors will stake out offsets for excavation in the ground. At the same time, surveyors set construction benchmarks that the construction crews can use as a reference for the remainder of the project.

2.       After excavation is complete, surveyors use the same the calculated points for laying out the footings. At the same time, surveyors can start checking the asbuilt grades to ensure that elevations match the drawings.

3.       After the concrete footings are poured, surveyors set the same points again to mark the actual foundation corners. The construction crews then build the forms for the new walls at these locations.

How are land surveyorswe involved in the Final Inspection stage?

1.       After the foundation walls are up, surveyors measure the elevations of the bottom of brick lip / top of walls and issue a Top-of-Wall Certificate. The municipality may compare the asbuilt elevation with the approved grading plan to verify compliance.

2.       At the same time surveyors will measure the as-built foundation corners and reissue the boundary survey with the as-built location of the new build with ties to the property boundaries. The municipality may compare the location to the site plan to ensure zoning setback compliance.

3.       Surveyors will also measure spot grades all around the property at any time requested by the builder. The municipality may require an asbuilt grading certificate once construction is complete so the final grades will be measured.


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