What is an Area Certificate for a building?
An Area Certificate is a special type of survey that measures the inside area of a building.
Typically this is done for building owners or agents who want to lease the space to a tenant who wants to pay a rate for the actual space instead of just a rough idea the owner has calculated from building drawings.
This actual space can have different definitions depending on the tenant’s needs. It could include the entire area of the building from the outside wall corners (which results in the largest area) or it could exclude all the inside office space walls and only include the actual useable floor space (which results in the smallest area and is a lot of work to prepare). Typically the requested area includes the inside walls but excludes the outside walls.
Once the criteria is defined a field crew can enter the building and measure each wall needed and then calculate the area and issue the certificate. Because we are onsite measuring the actual walls, the area is accurate and the tenant can be sure they are paying the correct amount of rent.